







Technology contribution

Over 16 novel mathematical derivations, implementations of Biometric algorithms. Our algorithms have been accepted world-wide by high profile institutions such as Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, USA.

African & Global Investment

Over 52 educational articles/materials published by New Era News paper in Namibia. In addition, all educational materials are freely available on line world wide. Educational materials have been acknowledged by the biometric community, see biometric update website.

International Media

Some of the work conducted by NBS can be found on the Biometric update website. The title of the article published by biometricupdate website “Experts encourage African governments, firms to examine biometric risks”.

About Namibia Biometric Systems

NBS is a fast growing African technology company with unique expertise in identifying pros & cons in systems and processes, and providing optimal solutions characterised by our client’s requirements.

We provide innovative, state-of-the-art biometric solutions customised to meet our client’s needs effectively, efficiently and on time. Our expertise covers the entire process of creating digital security solutions for our clients. Our information technology portfolio offer secure chain of software, products, platform and services which enable digital services and networks. Our network or chain of trust assist organizations and governments to protect valuable assets by ensuring strong identities and secure data from the edge to the core.

We protect the edge of the network by utilising secure software and operating systems embed in various devices such as electronic passports, banking cards, ID cards, Social Security Cards, etc. Therefore, we personalize them to our client’s requirements and needs.

Once our team has personalized them and loaded them with data, we deploy platforms and services to manage and protect them as well as the sensitive data they hold throughout their life-cycle. Our team of experts and systems work behind the scenes to ensure that each time our client’s customers employees, transacts, connect or identify themselves, they can do so safely and easily. Whether our clients and their customer are banking, communicating, doing business online or using eGovernment services, NBS is the ideal partner for Africa.

Biometric Research Laboratory

Our Biometric Research Laboratory (BRS) conducts applied research to develop targeted know-how, ensuring our clients have a bespoke solution to meet their current and future needs.

Logistics Group

Our Logistics Group (LG) focuses on qualitative and quantitative research to source the latest biometric-based solutions from a network of suppliers at a fraction of the cost, helping our clients and new ways of managing their supply chains.

Consultation & Project Management Group

Our Consultation and Project Management Group (CPM) invests in the latest management tools for the successful completion of our client’s biometrics technology projects.

A New Dimension in Government Solutions

Customers of NBS benefit from our enhanced offering in secure technology-driven solutions for African governments through our innovative and comprehensive portfolio of products, platforms and services. We are creating a world with more security, efficiency and freedom, all at the same time. In today’s modern world, secure government solutions are filled with biometric data that’s virtually impossible to forge. This is the world of e-Government.

Our core government technology include e-passports, e-visas, e-national ID cards, e-vote ID, e-voting & e-counting, boarder control, Prison management, population registry, e-driving licence, traffic Fine Management System, Automated Transportation Management System, Automated Government Tax Payment System, Automated Payment System for Governments, Automated Tender Management System, Port Automaticon, Central Vacancy and Job Management System, National Forensic Database and other digital secure credentials.

In addition, we support e-Government programs in Africa via consulting, designing, training, solution development and implementation. We don’t sell equipment! We provide well researched and comprehensive system solutions while maximizing the return of investment for our clients.


We simplify systems, we connect systems in an efficient manner and utilise similar infrastructure in order to maximise the return on investment for our clients and their clients. We understand technology and how to use it efficiently in Africa.

Generally global systems are based on databases that are not all interconnected. At NBS we enable interaction between national institutions or commercial providers and users. The interaction is based on an essential prerequisite.

Some of the benefits for our clients:

  • We consult and educate our clients on available solutions & associated costs. Knowledge investment for Africa.
  • We ensure that the client is part of the solution.
  • We offer our clients Pilot projects to ensure their satisfied with the solution.
  • We offer Interoperable solutions.
  • We offer our clients optimal solutions in order to maximise the return for the tax payer. We oer multi-purpose cards and leverage existing infrastructure. Cost effective solutions.
  • We consider our client’s long term & short term objectives, capacity building for our client & find ways to minimise unemployment.


The efficiency of modern technology has led to communities to become more and more electronically connected than ever before and more people are crossing international boarders with national documents. Institutions issuing these documents (ePassport & Passports, eID & ID Cards, eVisa & Visa, voter’s card, etc., as well as the authorities verifying these documents, need to be certain on the integrity of the data and the authenticity of these documents.
